-- simple bifighter script my first script -- moves objects to the inputed location -- by amgine -- function getArgsMenu() return "Move objects", -- Menu title { ToggleMenuItem.new("Movment Type", { "One Location", "Location by Center of Group", "Add Distance" }, 1, true, "Movment type"), TextEntryMenuItem.new("X location", "0", " ", 10, "x location"), TextEntryMenuItem.new("Y location", "0", " ", 10, "y location") -- need to flip this Y plane is inversed } end function main() objects = plugin:getSelectedObjects() if arg[1] == "One Location" for i=1,#objects do objects[i]:setPos(point.new(arg[2], arg[3])) end elseif arg[1] == "By Center of Group" then for i=1,#objects do -- find center of group of objects and move that center to coordintes X,Y -- end end end